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Want to know more about Fun at Fifty?

Our exclusive dating website is a site in the UK for finding friends and romance for the over 50's.

It's the perfect online dating site for singles, widows and widowers, or divorcee's that wish to find new friends and partners who are also looking for romance.

Search our database of members in seconds, see when all new members join, read and write member diary weblogs, and for the most intimate moments... send messages of love, and give virtual gifts to other members. It's the way to find a happy relationship with loving, caring partners.

Fun at Fifty features men and women from all over the UK, so you're never too far away from your next experience of romance. Finding and getting in touch with someone is a simple click away.

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Join in the fun!

Register now and within minutes you'll be meeting new friends, sending and receiving warm messages of love, viewing member photos, and getting all friendly with a new prospective partner. It's easy to find like-minded people online who share similar interests and hobbies as you with Fun at Fifty. Enjoy!

You can register for free to find people your own age, living in your area.

Fun at Fifty – Senior online dating

Our service features:

Live on the internet since 2008 our online dating system provides everything you would expect in a dating site and much more. Here are just some of the many features which our current members enjoy.


Advanced Member Searching

We offer an advanced searching criteria including; local postcode search, which allows members to find other singles within a few miles of their home.


Personality Profiling

We offer a number of personality tests for members, allowing for compatibility matching based on individual personality characteristics.



A full horoscope service is available, alongside astrological matching showing all compatible members.


Who’s Online

See which members are online at any given moment.



Members can create their very own online diaries, or weblogs, letting members share their dating experiences or other stories amongst the community.


Photo Scanning Service

No need to worry if you haven't got a digital photograph of yourself for your profile, we offer a completely free photo scanning service for our members.


Customer Support

Our site’s members are expertly supported from our UK headquarters, where we manage all our member support requests.